
B - 34


There is always a need to search out and find a teacher, a guide, one who will direct you to the inner enlightenment that at times seems to elude your reach and grasp. Some will feel frustrated in not finding the source they seek, while others will just get on with their lives and ignore the inner pulling. It is a time if inner seeking, not outer seeking. That which is calling you is within, and you need only silence your inner chatter to find it. This requires you to seek out silence and quiet. We need to set aside a time each day to listen to the inner silence which holds all the answers you seek. Not in words but in philosophy that will lead you to the inner discovery you seek. Teachers are fine for the ABC’s, but when it comes to inner enlightenment, the teacher is within and all you need to do is quiet your mind and you will find that wisdom you seek. How will you know it when you find it? Simple – it will not tell you what to do but rather give you the light and tools to find it yourself. No real teacher ever answers a question, but rather asks another that sends you on a quest for knowledge. If you are given the answer, you’ll stop looking and learning.