Each Lifetime’s a Journey



Each lifetime is a journey, a quest to find and incorporate wisdom’s and truths within our realities so that our souls may be enhanced, our awareness expanded, our vision clarified and our consciousness’s raised. The truths and wisdom’s are found in our everyday lives, in the forms of lessons, hurdles and challenges to our creativity and our ingenuity.

Before each incarnation we select those aspects that we want to enhance through the lifetime we are about to enter, in essence we check the box’s of the qualities we want to further expand. The choice as to how those experiences are presented, however, is completely up to the universe. It stands to reason we wouldn’t grow from a challenging experience if we know what qualities it was supposed to open to us to.

We all carry within us a fully developed spirit, who enters this lifetime to gather more wisdom and expand awareness. That spirit is carried deep within and as we grow, as our consciousness of this reality expands and our personalities/ego become more and more defined, that spirit within has to work through those qualities in order to manifest within this reality. Sometimes that ego/personality is quite a challenge to the spirit carried within …but that is most probably part of the challenge of this lifetime.

Many of us struggle with understanding the spiritual purpose of each lifetime; of grasping just why some of the struggles and lessons have peen presented as they were. Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense why circumstances occur as they do. There is universal balance and there is reason for all that occurs. The very simple explanation is that if you knew the purpose of the journey, there would be no reason for it.

Lifetimes serve multi dimensional purposes. At this point in time, we just aren’t able to see all the levels that are at work in every lifetime. Trust and faith are two qualities ever at work in every evolution, along with patience (which appears to a core aspect of every lifetime). We are in charge of what is presented to us every time we reincarnate, we choose the aspects to be worked upon and those choices were not casual by any means. That inner spirit was well aware of areas that needed expansion and chose wisely knowing the potential within the human element. We really are never given more that we can handle and challenges are opportunities for us to learn just how much we can accomplish, how far we can reach. So celebrate the challenges and roll up your sleeves because even if you aren’t sure how your going to climb those mountains there is an inner spirit that knows you can and if you open to that energy …well then anything is possible.

There is an element of discernment that is required as we move forward in our journeys each lifetime. Sometimes the ego thinks it knows more than the spirit within. There are times when the ego creates challenges assuming that it knows where the journey is taking us. The ego has only this lifetime to draw from as far as wisdom goes … the inner spirit has all of creation to draw from. Self imposed challenges often can be costly, those that the universe supplies will draw you closer to the goal set by spirit. The trick is to know which is which. Usually when things fall into place easily you can be pretty sure spirit has a hand in it …when things become a struggle and you are looking at dollar signs all the time you can be sure the ego has a hand in it.

Patience is one of those elements we all work on to one degree or another, especially when life isn’t moving along as rapidly as one would like. Those are the times that the universe is giving us a “time out” to smell the roses, finish up what has loose ends, or just catch our breaths. Rather than hitting our heads against brick walls it is usually wiser to look around and see what has gone unfinished, what has needed attention that we have ignored, What personal issues could use a bit more work. If you have worked on all of those aspects and feel you are absolutely ready to move forward … I would suggest you take another look, because if you were ready …you would be moving ahead.

Often we wonder why things slow down and there just isn’t the energy that once there was. Our lives are literally fueled by creative energy. We were created by that kind of energy and that is what moves us ahead within each lifetime. As life gets busier and busier we tend to put aside creative aspects so that we can focus on what we perceive to be more important . The reality is that our lives are fueled by creative energy and that energy flows through channels created by creative projects which we are not monetarily compensated for. The more creative, the more channels the more spirit can manifest within your realities. And the Universe isn’t an art critic, so long as the creativity is done with the joy of creation, every project is worthy.

Everyone’s journey is different. Everyone’s pathway is unique. The destination is the same but how we reach it is as individual as we are. Each lifetime it is different and unique. There is no way we could know what another’s pathway is or what they are supposed to accomplish, all we can do is honor them and focus on our own . We can’t judge or try to interfere, we can support, give advice when asked for, but each is in charge of their own pathway and no matter how hard you try you cannot change their destiny for a lifetime. It can be very hard sometimes, especially when it is someone you love, but we do chart these lifetimes for a reason and we really wont know why until we pass over and do a review of what has been gathered. We simply cannot presume we know what is beast for another, that is their journey and we have one of our own. We can love, care, support, cheer and celebrate but most of all we need to honor their journey for it is as important to their spirits as ours is to us.

Each lifetime is a journey. A journey to wisdom, understanding, insight and magic. I recently read that for every step we take the mountain grows that much as well. And that is as it should be, for without a goal to reach for there is no purpose to the journey. What we are here for is a secret held deep within the spirit that we carry …know that there is a good positive reason for everything that spirit puts before us and that this life was meant to be a celebration of light and a gathering of wisdom that enlightens us even further. It is how you perceive the journey that determines the joy you celebrate and the light you radiate.

Spiritually Yours
Barbara DeLong

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