September 2015

September 2015

September 2015

The energies are really at work this month. There is a very strong pull upon the consciousness of everyone and there will be feelings of stress and conflict even when there is none. Many will feel as if they are literally under the gun but won’t be able to figure out where the pressure is really coming from. When a shift like this occurs there is usually mass confusion and conflict within everyone. There is a cosmic pull that all will feel, awareness expands and when it dose there is confusion because of the expanded insight that it reveals. The issue, problem, main concern is that each expands according to the level of awareness they started with. Those who are on journeys of self-awareness and discovery will find themselves drawn into new venues and directions, new areas of exploration within their own consciousness, all in all a very exciting time. Those who seek power and influence, who are consumed by the physical aspects of reality will experience a greater hunger to increase their holdings regardless of laws or moral codes. This is a time where awareness of agenda’s becomes obvious to all and the facades that were so very carefully created to hide actual truth from the masses begin to crack and fall, revealing the greed and avarice that has been the true motivator for action. Those who have flaunted power and ignored the law will be caught in the webs they created and their true selves revealed. This may not be immediate but the cracks are starting to show and truth will change the course of history in a most interesting way in the months and years to come. Many will lose the power that was falsely gained and find themselves rejected and ignored by those who suffered the consequences of their untruths.

This is a month when it is best to wait and see on many different levels, a time to do the inner reflecting that has been put off for so long and to take stock of the new directions that call to everyone. While it really isn’t a time to start new projects it is time to forge ahead with those already started and finish what has been committed to. A time to de clutter, to make room for new directions and projects, to make ready for the surges of energy that will flow in the months to come. Roll up your sleeves, especially those on the spiritual pathways, for the awakening that has just happened, once it is incorporated fully into your energy fields will shift much within your realities. Many will find themselves drawn into areas never anticipated and even more will find that they have talents that will surface that they were unaware of. The further one goes on the pathway to self-awareness the more expansive the gifts of spirit become, not because you expect them but because you earn them by working on your self-awareness and becoming more sensitive to yourself. It is the inward journey that creates the outward radiance.

Many will find the opportunity to reach out in new directions. Energy will shift and change and a greater awareness will open minds and hearts to new areas of compassion and understanding. Where the element of universal compassion has not been one that has been focused upon globally for quite some time there is a surge of interest and understanding that is growing this month and the needs of many create new focus. Humanity as a whole is going through a growing process, being stretched and expanded, not so much in numbers but rather in the awareness that we are all one family and as such responsible for each other. Where there is need, we created it… where there is anger, we are responsible for it… where there is war, we allowed it… and where there is love, we shared it. We have created our realities and it is our responsibility to fix what is broken and to enforce what is right. A profound task but then we are never asked to do anything that we are not capable of … we just need to be really creative.

We cross a threshold to greater understanding of this and other dimensions, to the awareness that science has taken greater steps forward than any of us know. This is a time when the need for greater understanding and knowledge is called for. Gathering information, learning, expanding the knowledge within and blending it with that which has been carried through time is called for at this time. One is never too old to learn new modalities or aspects, to stop learning is to stop progress along the pathway to self-awareness and to negate the purpose of a lifetime. Those who feel weary and tired can get energized by the concept of learning … not because they have to but because they want to. To learn, to grow is to stretch into that which the universe offers to everyone, knowledge expands into wisdom when applied to reality and it removes the veils of ignorance and exposes the truth to those who have eyes to see ,ears to listen, hearts to embrace and spirits to soar.
We do indeed create our realities by our perceptions, let no one tell you differently. The law of attraction is ever present within our evolution and our progress along our pathways. Taking responsibility is one of those areas that is worked upon this month and this year as well. Realizing that we are the creators of what comes our way is not always the most enjoyable prospect but once we get it in hand life changes greatly. Blaming others for struggles only increases the burden, changing perspective and claiming responsibility lightens the load and helps us move forward upon our pathways. Not always easy but it does become easier when we realize we are the creators of all that we experience.

The creative energies are richer than ever before with a new awareness of the new aspects that open to us. Take advantage of those energies and open new doors for exploration and the discovery of what you can manifest with the new tools that are now available to you. Become the creator of a new reality and fill it with a richness that is spiritually generated and full of love, compassion, insight and excitement and blends you with the cosmic promise that is open to us all if we but reach for it.


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