October 2014


October 2014

The cosmic and universal energies swirl around, then weave together and create a new fabric of reality for all of humanity. Abundance flows into all aspects of life as humanity opens to a greater intensity on all levels. Talents and gifts carried through time are once again available to those who are ready to implement them for the unconditional good of all. This is a most interesting time as many begin to realize how much wonder and magic is available to those who are ready for it. It will flow most abundantly through those who have creative channels open and to those who are truly unconditional in nature. This will be a most interesting time as many will try to convince the universe that they are ready for these gifts and others will just patiently await what is theirs. This will be a time when true authenticity shines most brightly and those who have truly worked within themselves will be the recipients of unusual insight and wisdom. Abundance on all levels showers down upon us and for some it is an awesome experience and for others one of understanding that what we send out usually comes back to us in unusual ways. Abundance does of course come in all sorts of packages and some will be very surprised that the facade almost everyone believes in, has not fooled the universe at all, and what goes around comes around is illustrated most appropriately.

Universal love embraces all of humanity and everyone will feel the love of the cosmos. This is a rich energy that when applied to creative projects expands the meaning and intensifies the energy instilled within, a new kind of magic is born and the magnetism is alluring to say the least. A new feeling sweeps all of humanity and the emotions swell in answer to join in the dance of creation that is created. There is new insight and inspiration within all as this new energy awakes to reality and opens many to new directions. Inspiration, when fueled by universal love and creativity reaches to new heights and triggers wisdom’s from deep within. A new school of creative expression is born and touches all who use it. The thread of love, family, creation finds new venues and areas to weave itself into and the fabric of all of humanity is drawn more closely than ever before. Gently and subtly the consciousness of all are reminded of the fact that we are one family from one creator and that there is great power and wisdom when we blend together. It may be decades, or generations or eons before the seeds of understanding finally bloom, but they are once more planted and in their own time and way they will manifest within reality and bear fruit.

This is a time of miracles, of expecting the unexpected and of allowing those aspects to become a part of our realities. It has been said that those who do not believe in miracles will not experience them, and that is true, but it is also true that it is never too late to become a believer. Miracles bring magic into our realities; they bring joy, love and laughter. They lighten the spirit and they sing of the amazing possibilities that are yet to be experienced within this reality. Magic can happen at the drop of a hat and often does, it can light up a room and bring hope into a situation. Believing in the element of miracles and embracing the possibilities they bring into your lives opens us to the vast potential the universe can share with us. This is a very precious aspect that the universe holds open to us at all times, most especially this month, everyone hopes for miracles, whether they are large or small, believing in them, makes them a very real possibility. This has been demonstrated throughout all of time, and yet there are still some who play “I doubt it”. This will be their chance to join the rest, to celebrate and share in the joy that is always present when one or more of them manifest. Magic is going to happen; the intensity depends only on how many believe.

Hearts open to the songs from the distant past. Within us there awakens memories of lifetimes when the world was a very different place, one that even history does not remember. These will be memories of times when all were united; there was no war or hatred. Everyone shared and all followed their inner passions and manifested magic from deep within their souls. Remembrance will come in flashes, in dreams and even day dreams. These were times when that which is now fable and mystery was common place and the usual. When elementals mixed with humans and there was a magical peace and love that united everyone. Each will experience these flashes and the questions as to what happened and where did it all go will take many upon a search that will open countless doors closed for eons. Perhaps it is time to uncover some of the mysteries of those times long past, lost in the mists of time. Perhaps it is time to dispel the theories science has made up to explain the unexplainable. Fantasy becomes truth and theories evaporate as they hold no reality.

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