November 2015


November 2015

This is a month when we are drawn into the energy of preparing for the year to come; setting things in motion subtly and beneath the surface so that they will interweave with other elements of our evolution and manifest in three to six months. That which you put into motion now will gestate for months and then magically manifest when spring arrives … have faith and patience for that will be a bit late this year (you can thank Mother Nature for that one). In order for the process to begin notes need to be taken and lists need to be made, they need to be written down somewhere in order for them to be committed to this reality. That which is kept in the head will just float around there with no way to manifest, there is great need to record within the reality in order to manifest within the reality. The more you put in motion the greater the manifest and abundance will be so don’t hold back and let your ideas and hopes flow into reality, though not all will come at once at least you can give birth to the ideas and let the universe help them to evolve, you really don’t have to do all the work, just most of it.

Balance and duality flow abundantly this month. All will find that they see both sides of many situations at the same time …this leads to greater understanding of many situations as they manifest within this month. Balance requires at least two elements in order to flow and so try and look for the mirror to those situations that you are confronted with. Try to always remember that not only is there black and white but countless shades of gray in between. This month will give you the opportunity to see not only the black and white but the in-betweens as well, giving you greater perspective and understanding of many of the challenges that will present themselves. Take your time, have patience with things as they evolve and then take a deep breath before you make any decisions … the more patient you are the greater wisdom you are able to apply and the insight and inspiration you gather will serve you well in the months and years to come.

Spiritual insight will present itself in many unusual places this month, be aware that nothing happens for no reason and always there is a positive lesson to every event that happens … underline the positive. This month it would be a good idea to pause at the end of the day and reflect on what you gathered that was of a positive nature and record it, the more emphasis you place on the positive the greater the frequency of that energy that will flow to you. This is a time when you will feel the flow of spirit in many different aspects of your realities … indicating that there really is a pathway and direction that was charted long ago and that the signs are there for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. The hints from spirit are subtle but always there and this is a time when they are more apparent than ever. Follow your hunches and you will find new directions and possibilities that you never had realized before. Those who are determined to follow the intellect and “think” their way through this reality will find that their potential is very restricted and limited because they are not trusting that spirit within that is trying to inspire. The spirit within is always dropping hints for us, this is a month that they increase greatly and for those who pay attention massive change is possible.

Choices are abundant this month and no matter what you choose you will not be wrong. Some of the choices will take longer than others but ultimately they all lead you to the same goals. While we all have free will, we are also all responsible for the consequences of our actions, so it isn’t exactly “free”. This is a time when balance and spirit greatly influence the directions that will be taken this month. Weigh and balance choices and pay close attention to the ramifications of the choices that are made. Those who choose wisely and with compassion will find that the harvest in the fall will be greater than expected. Those who choose with greed and avarice will find their results empty and without substance.

This month starts to provide the new foundations for a new phase of spiritual development. There is greater awareness as to the source of all creation, new understanding of the ancient wisdoms and greater dimensions of insight that are available to all it they but listen to those inner whispers that constantly are sharing insight and wisdom. Many will be drawn to new aspects of understanding and study, others will experiment in new forms of creativity that in turn open them to expanded insight and inspiration. Because we are all so different and unique each will find that which is perfect for them alone. This is not a time of classes and teachers, it is a time of following that energy within and trusting the directions it is opening for you. This is a time of questioning what has gone before and trusting in the new insight and directions that will open before you. Each carries within the material that is perfect for this lifetime, the wisdom to unfold the mysteries and gifts that have been gathered over lifetimes of evolution. Often have we all heard, “The answers are all within, just listen”, so listen to the Master teacher you carry within and don’t look for your answers in the wisdom of others for that is theirs alone. This is not a time of isolation but rather independence, and in that independence you will find others who feel the same … independence of spirit creates a new level of companionship and respect and creates closer bonds than ever before experienced.

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