May 2014



May 2014

Commitment, not a simple word, but one that holds deep meaning and requires love of a very special nature, a love that transcends the love of the self and declares a dedication to a cause or a person; an allegiance and a loyalty that goes beyond expectations. Commitment holds within it faithfulness and fidelity and a promise that is timeless. It is this energy that surrounds us this month Most of us use this term lightly even though we know on some level what it really means. This month take a good look at your commitments, whether they be small or large the definition holds for all of them. Make sure you are treating your commitments with the great respect they deserve. Often commitments are made and then not kept, sending a message that is not always pleasant. While not all commitments are carved in stone the word itself carries great weight and should not be used lightly. When we commit to a cause or a person we are making a promise that resonates with the spirit within. Perhaps we all need to do some housekeeping and adjust not only what we say to others but the manner in which we say things. In the past many have given their lives for causes they have committed to, and I’m sure we all have in turn; passed because of a cause we were committed to in lifetimes passed. Take some time to remember what it felt like to really feel committed, and put that same intensity into every promise and commitment you make. The first and most important is to the spirit within and the journey you are on through time. To the light that you carry, that you become a living example of walking your talk and that when you make a commitment it is with all of your being.

This month is a time of balance and justice, a time when,” what goes around comes around”, is illustrated in many different aspects of your life. There is new insight and reason that dawns and justice well may no longer have a blindfold on. The universe is bringing balance to every aspect of this reality and many will be very surprised as to where the shifts take place. Please remember that when the universe puts this quality into play within our reality it takes all lifetimes into consideration so that many will be a bit surprised as to how this all plays out.

This is a time of tying up loose ends and letting go of that which is no longer useful to you, a time of moving into new directions and opening those doors to the gifts and talents that have been carried within to be used in this time frame. Everyone has talents and gifts and all we need do is look to those passions that came with us into this time frame. In a way we were preprogrammed with these skills. We need not focus careers on them, though that would be the best of all possible worlds, but to incorporate them into our realities so that they can open us to the joy of creation and the pleasure of expanding ourselves into new venues. By utilizing creative energies, no matter how limited the final result, we open channels for the spiritual energies to flow through, manifest within our realities and move our lives forward. Without those channels we become creatively constipated and our lives stand still until the creative energies are called into play. (Just a note – you can’t get paid for your creative attempts, if you are then the channel closes. So not having any talent is really a plus on this one.)

We are reminded this month that life is a journey, one that has challenges along the way. It is important to remember that each challenge has been put in place upon our request before we incarnated. We asked for experiences that would enhance aspects of our spiritual evolution. We are never given a challenge that we are not fully capable of conquering. Within each challenge or lesson there is always a single, pure crystal of spiritual truth, a gift to us from us. Hidden inside a lesson that has challenged us to grow and become better individuals, a pearl of wisdom that, once found dissipates the challenge and the difficulty, of course making us ready for the next one. Once this concept is understood it makes all the rest of the challenges, though difficult, easier to understand. Sometimes when we are on the other side, making ready to reincarnate, we may get a bit ambitious and find ourselves a bit overwhelmed at times. Remember we made the contract and never, absolutely never are things too difficult for us to endure or solve.

There are many who are not comfortable with the lessons they have requested for this lifetime, often saying they would never have signed on for this or that they are in their last lifetime here on the planet. The reply is very simple …they (their ego) didn’t sign on for any of this. The ego only has this lifetime as a frame of reference, the spirit however, has all of eternity to draw from, and the spirit did indeed sign on for everything. As far as those who say they are not coming back, well, they’re right in a way. Their personality will never be on this planet again. The personality is a one shot deal, exclusive to this lifetime. Much like a car, we drive it until it no longer fits us and then we trade it in on a newer model, we never go back to what we have out grown. The spirit, well the spirit has been here and other realms and dimensions since the beginning of time. My suspicion is that their spirits will most probably be back to do more and greater work, to evolve to new levels of wisdom and understanding. When a personality has the audacity to proclaim it has cosmic wisdom in a human ego it only suggests that there are going to be many reincarnations yet to come so that humility and understanding can be achieved.

Body, Mind and Spirit flow together this month and much is reflected in the synchronicity this brings about. This is a time when there is a new sort of inner peace that is reflected from everyone and there is greater clarity of vision for all. How you use the information that is gathered will be most interesting and how it is applied to your realities even more so. This is a month when all will feel a better understanding of the pathways they are on. Not so much where they are going for that would make the journey worthless, but the feeling of going with the flow will be there for those who have developed the sensitivity to feel the energies of the cosmic whispers that constantly, gently guide us along our pathways. This is a very wise and gentle energy; take the time to enjoy the ride … for a time.

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