March 2014


March 2014

This month there is unity of focus. We draw together similar projects and blend them into a whole. We draw together like philosophies and weave them into one that expresses our current direction. Understanding where we are and what our own inner truths are at this time gives us a starting point to evolve from. Often we start extrapolating before we establish our foundation and then everything falls apart at some point because we had not established ground zero. Everyone is seeking, in their own way, reaching for those truths that explain what is unknown to us. Some will be searching on a personal level and others on a cosmic level. Whatever the direction we need to own our personal truths and philosophies and be aware of where we are working from. Once there is a unity of focus then there is a foundation and we can reach for those truths that have been calling to us for generations of our soul’s evolution. Now, for the first time, many are considering the possibility that those in power have not been truthful, and if that is so what else have we been misled on. The consciousness of all of humanity now opens to the fact that those in power, those who influence the masses may well have been purposefully misleading everyone for reasons not in the common good. Questions once whispered internally are now being asked a loud, some even louder. Humanity is shifting into a time of truth and reason, a time when no one is too lofty to be held accountable for their actions or false statements. We come to a time when truth is required so that everyone can form their own opinions rather than being told what they should be. Whether it is politics, religion or the huge corporate structures that have grown out of control, all should be held accountable. Humanity will no longer be blindly “guided”, nor accept what is filtered for others profits. This is a time of awakening and many will find that great changes are necessary in order to put things back on track. While we slumbered, those in power plundered. It hasn’t been just finances they took from us but our ability to think for ourselves and make our own choices given the honest truth. We come to a time of reckoning and all will once again take control of their lives and thoughts as we move into a kinder time. It will not happen overnight …but we will see the very beginnings of chance this month …watch for it.

Humanity evolves into a time where there are many questions that are being asked as to our source, our purpose and our destiny. We experience a time when even history is challenged and as truth comes into the light even those sources we thought carved in stone crumble to allow a greater truth to emerge. Our past abounds with philosophies as to our history and even the beginning of time, and all will shift and open to even greater understanding as to our origins and purpose here upon the earth plane. As the human consciousness expands and is able to grasp even broader explanations magic and miracles occur that open us still further. It will take endless generations for the full story to emerge but it does begin here and now. The understanding that within us all there rests a master teacher, a fully evolved spirit on a human journey begins the understanding. The gifts and wisdoms brought into this lifetime are available to all if we embrace them. This will be the first generation that will open and embrace that thought, and as time goes by and the gifts are brought forward and come into common knowledge and usage the numbers will increase along with the love and light that these gifts bring. For they come not to be used with greed or avarice, but to be shared with love and compassion. Society, humanity is beginning to change, it is a long process but the shift is there and finally there are enough upon the planet to make the difference, and shift the direction towards the light and the universal brotherhood that calls to us in the deepest part of our soul.

This is a month where the law of attraction flows freely through each of us. If you have a vision board, or a written contract with the universe, if you have somehow put your hopes and intentions down on paper and cemented it into this reality the universe will work with you to manifest it within your reality. What you send out there is returned to you, what you are is what you attract. The law of attraction is really very simple and provides each of us with a mirror as to who and what we are. It shows us what we can become if we sink to what others are doing and if we choose other directions the possibilities that are there for us. Pour out love and do it unconditionally, with no strings. And the universe will send it back to you. If there are strings or conditions this does not work so be careful as you send out energies for the universe cannot be fooled. You will see yourself reflected in those around you. You can’t change anyone else but you can adjust yourself and as you do then those around you have to shift themselves in order to remain. Remember to look in the mirror and do it without ego or vanity …this is a great tool and can help you shift much within your life if you want to.

There is a new, energetic harmony within the universe. Healing and creative energy weave together to provide a new energy available to all. Open to creativity of any kind and you will find that a new strength and deeper ability to draw wisdom from within. Creative energy opens us to wisdom and talent carried within; it releases joy and celebration and expands our ability to nourish our spirits. Healing energy as well opens us to the love and empathy of the spirit realms. Being open is all you need to do as the energy is always there for you. You need not use any particular modality or tool for it is your intent that directs the energy and channels it through you. Tools can often become crutches and by so doing make you forget where the real power and energy come from. Once you have mastered working with energy it is wise to let go of external tools and allow your spirit become the tool.

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