July 2015

July 2016

July 2015

The energies swirl and seek to find a new rhythm which seems to be constantly changing. This is a time of shift and reorganization, a time to let go and drift as the element of chaos flows throughout and to wait patiently for order to be restored. Many will feel as if reality is changing and indeed it is. There is a sense of change that no one can put their finger on, though all are trying.

The foundations that were thought to be solid now begin to crumble and truth of a new kind begins to emerge into our reality. To say that change is in the air would be a gross understatement. Bubbles of falsehood are bursting all round and those who created illusions are now being seen as the frauds that they are. Humanity is waking u and not liking what it sees. The beginnings of upheavals are being felt, often on a subliminal level but there none the less. On all levels of society, in all manner of the corporate structures falsehoods are being seen for what they truly are and the masses will register their anger and frustrations in many ways, some of them in most inappropriate manner.

Humanity as a whole has many decisions to make and the direction and even survival for the species hangs in the balance. This is the beginning of change on massive proportions for the inner awakenings open the consciousness to clearer perceptions as to what and where the real truth really lies. Those in power will be held accountable in the future and their true agendas will be brought to the light.

Humanity for eons has lived in a bubble of illusion, created to control and manage the consciousness. That bubble is breaking down and truth on many levels floods all of humanity with awakenings not all are ready for. While scientifically this could be looked upon as a time of enlightenment, spiritually we are coming out of the dark ages and finally beginning to embrace greater awareness than ever before. Complicated philosophies, corporate structures, laws on many levels, belief systems … all will crumble to revel simple truths that eliminate control on all levels. This will not happen overnight, but it is the very beginning of the climb out of darkness and illusion, simple truth will eliminate the controlling aspect and humanity will be set free to discover its true destiny without the influence of political or religious organizations who have for generations sought to control the masses through these channels.

Spiritually will flow more easily throughout all of humanity and answers will emerge of questions many were afraid to ask. This is a time of reaching for that link within to the higher consciousness, to self-awareness and a time too begin to embrace the truth that has been carried throughout time that opens us to our true destinies. There will be greater understanding of purpose and direction as we open to the gifts and talents carried within. A new flow of energy is available to any who wish to claim it.

This month clears the way for change, on all levels of awareness. For those who choose to let go the trappings of the past, the antiquated philosophies of those who recognized the shift but were unable to fully describe it, this is a time of new insight and awareness, a time of crossing a threshold into the dawning of enlightenment that will come only with the embracing of the totality of the spirit within and acknowledging the responsibility for the journey all of humanity is on.

This is a time for new beginnings, fresh starts and a letting go of looking to others for the answers that have been within all the time. This is a time when the reality that we are who we have been waiting for becomes clearer than ever before. Masters, guides, teachers, angels, Gods, arch angels, all a reflection of the spirit within that we all carry, all another facet that reflects insight and inspiration into our consciousness’s to give us direction as to our true destinies. Look not to the outside but rather inward for there are the answers that area being sought.

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