January 2014



January 2014

There is a gentle flow of energy this month as the element of universal love weaves into every aspect of our lives. This is a time when we see a better kinder aspect to everything around us and there is a feeling of compassion and brotherhood that has been absent for some time. The energies open us to the understanding of others and their agendas, we see the strings that are attached to emotional connections and begin to understand to a greater extent, the behavior and reactions of others. This is also a time when we seek within, we look for the channels through which the element of love has flowed and find that it has broadened and our capacity is much greater than once we thought. Tempers are softened and words of understanding come more easily than ever before. This is not to say that you become a door mat, only that there is greater insight and awareness as to the source of all that comes your way. There are always choices as to how you react and deal with this new skill … the choice is yours as to how to apply and use this new aspect to your demeanor.

A new balance comes into play and all are able to balance more than they thought. New energies swirl and there is a greater ability to take on more than ever before. Be ambitious, stretch yourself and reach beyond those limitations that you set for yourself last year. If you don’t reach you’ll never know how far you can go. Often we limit ourselves by not stretching …this is a time to stretch, to go outside the box and open yourselves to the magic that is there for you. Having a balance within your life gives you a better foundation to build those magical castles you have been dreaming of. Remember that our dreams are just reality waiting to be manifest …so balance and dream, there really is no limit when the foundation is firm and there is balance both within your spirit and your reality.

The aspect of home on all levels becomes a focus this month as well. That of our physical reality, our spiritual reality and then, for the first time, our cosmic reality. The home of our physical reality, that place that shelters us from the environment, needs some work, small repairs and a bit of TLC. Often we become so immersed in other aspects of life we lose sight of the simple obvious elements of life. Step back, take stock of what has been ignored and attend to the simple repairs, least they become major and costly over time. Our spiritual home within our reality; that place wherein our spirit dwells as we move through this lifetime, our physical bodies also need to be tended to. This is a time when we need to focus on how we are nourishing our bodies and what we are doing that could bring harm to those bodies. Now is the time to adjust habits that are not of the best kind, to shift our intent and take care of ourselves. It matters not what our philosophies and focus are if the body can no longer support the spirit it carries.

Often we ignore the physical to follow the spiritual only to find that there is no foundation to work from nor a stable reality to manifest in. The process of evolution, awakening and ascension is one that is slow and meticulous. We can’t skip a step and have to move a step at a time, embracing each one in order for the process to carry us to the desired destination. The physical leads to the spiritual, that sanctuary within that we have carefully constructed through study, lessons learned and wisdom sheltered within applied to the lifetime we now journey through. Understanding what we carry within is as important perhaps more so than trying to copy another or replicate what others have done. The design is entirely unique unto us as is the spirit that dwells within.

The truth that we have a true and unique home within the cosmos is becoming more and more a clear fact within our reality. Our true home is not of this world, or even for that matter this galaxy. Our true home, the source of our creative spirits lies beyond our intellectual comprehension and begins to awaken the spiritual memories of thousands, perhaps even millions of lifetimes of spiritual evolution. The true understanding of our place within the cosmos has not yet been conceived of even by the most profound minds. We have created philosophies from our human frame of reference, stories and myths to explain what we could not understand and tried to bring reason to our very existence. The truth? The actual truth is we do not know because we are not ready to understand, we cannot comprehend because we are so tied to the physical problems of the intellect we are unable to expand consciousness beyond this small reality and planet wherein we dwell. But the truth stirs within us and the memories begin to reach for consciousness. Humanity is not ready for the absolute truth because humanity cannot embrace itself as of yet let alone the vast cosmos that calls to us. The truth lies within and slumbers still but stirs from time to time reminding us that we are not alone and that we are the ones we are waiting for.

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