February 2014



February 2014

The energies this month flow in spiritual and intuitive channels. There is much energy around the third eye and many will feel a sense of vertigo or frequent headaches. The cause? A shifting of the awareness, a clearing of the vision (not the sight) and an awakening of the consciousness to the greater levels that are available to us from deep within. A stirring of memories long carried from times when insight, precognition and prophecy were common among the masses. Those memories lead us to unused portions of our consciousness and the remembrances of talents, gifts and skills once mastered that now remain dormant within us. Each on their own level in their own time frame will begin to awaken and use these talents to bring greater clarity and wisdom into our realities. For some it will mean the hunches become more accurate, for others the insight becomes more focused and they will see the directions that now call more loudly to them than ever before and to still others the flow of information and insight will be amazing, they will see the true intentions of all around them, the strings that are attached to gifts and the intent behind kindnesses. While all are true gifts of spirit, they are as well, a double edged sword. The true friends will stand out from the masses but some you thought were friends have agendas you had not seen before. Sometimes knowing the full truth makes life a bit harder to deal with, but the truth also allows you to make better choices on all levels.

As this new insight blends with your energy and synchronizes with your consciousness reality opens to you a greater beauty than ever before. The environment and the aspects of nature take on a new vibrancy that you had not picked up before. The energy that radiates from all living things shimmers before you and there is new beauty in the world you had never seen before. This is a most wondrous gift of spirit and those who use it for healing and kindness will feel its strength and power and find that their lives are made richer on all levels. It will not bring wealth on a physical level, nor can it be used for personal profit, but the sharing of it enriches and enhances you beyond measure. The more you use it the greater the energy you draw to yourself and the more intense it all becomes. The more you give it away the greater the abundance within you have to share.

There is a new flow of energy within the home and there is added excitement, almost an anticipation of newness and expansion. Home is the source of power this month and what is generated from the home will find great reception wherever it is sent. This is indeed a month to expand from the home, this does not mean add a wing or another floor to the present dwelling, it means any project started from within the home will find great acceptance wherever it is sent. The creativity should be in the home and then sent out to your intended sources. The element of “home” connected to creative projects is the key for this month so get to work on planning, and vision boards for the universe is very accepting of those kind of projects and will greatly amplify their impact on all that receive them and help in the manifestation of all projects that are put into play this month …more so that before.

The Law of Karma flows throughout this month and all will feel the loose ends being tied up in some very unusual ways. Often you will find that there is over reaction in places where it is not expected. Frequently you will find yourself over reacting to situations that do not warrant it. These small out bursts are often karmic energy tying up loose ends from lifetimes past. Most of them will be small flare ups that are over as soon as they happen. There is a huge balancing going on within our universe and not only within nature but within us as well. It is as if we are being made ready for a huge shift of energy and all loose ends need to be tied up before it can be made. The feeling is that this is one of the first shifts of karmic tie ups and over the next year or so there will be several more. Often these flare ups will be with perfect strangers so don’t be surprised when this happens, remember we incarnate with a huge soul family and strangers this life could well have been family in lifetimes past, leaving loose ends that need to be tied up. Be kind to yourself and others when this happens, don’t get carried away with it or you could well create more loose ends that will have to be tied up at a later time.

There is major healing energy surrounding us this month. We are all letting go of the clutter we have gathered over time. Some of it emotional some of it physical, some of it just plain junk. We spend time de cluttering ourselves and freeing our energy fields so that there is a new vibrancy that radiates from us. We let go of what is no longer needed, what no longer nurtures our journeys and what we no longer require to validate ourselves. By the end of the month we have greater strength and flexibility, we no longer carry the burdens that have weighted us down and there is lightness to our steps. There is a feeling of freedom here, which means we can gather more treasures, just be a bit more selective and discerning this time.

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