April 2014




This is a month when the cosmic energies want us to take care of ourselves, to remember that we are of no good to another if we have drained ourselves of vital energies. Anyone who does spiritual work is aware of the fact that by channeling the energy through we use universal energy and don’t deplete our own vital energies. This is a time of pampering ourselves making sure that enough sleep is gotten and enough water taken in. Those who are care givers, or healers, or just being their compassionate empathetic selves often neglect themselves to help others … and often experience burnout at times within their lives. Go for the balance, take care of yourselves and make sure that what you give is of quality so that everyone benefits. This is a time of taking care of the vessel that carries the spirit and enabling the spirit within to touch in a more intense way those that you come into contact with.

This is a month that the element of truth is of great import to all of humanity. Firstly to the self and then to the universe. Knowing your own truth is as important as speaking it. Often we get so caught up in wanting to please others or to keep the peace within our realities that we forget what our truths really are. Take some time this month to reacquaint yourself with what is really important to you and what you claim as your truth. When asked for opinions give it from your heart not from desire to please another. After all if your opinion is valued buy another it would not be honorable to give less than you really feel.

The truth becomes more and more important this month as not only are we called upon to rediscover our own personal truths, the philosophies by which we live our lives by, but to walk them as well. Having personal truths does you no good if you don’t live them and become a testimony and example of what you believe in. Walking your talk and inner beliefs will become more and more important as this year progresses. We will be called to live our beliefs and truths and we will hold others to the same practice. There will be conflict when some prefer the “do as I say, not as I do” concept and they will be called to task. If you cannot live your words, you should not speak them and those who continue to put falsehoods before the masses will find that no matter how polished the presentation it will not be embraced, and no matter how smooth the talk, if it is not the truth it will fall on deaf ears. The masses will move as one to shed those who lie and pretend to be leaders. Precedent will be set as many will leave places of power; some of their own volition and others because they no longer have the faith and trust of those who selected them. You don’t have to take the beliefs of another, create your own and follow them …Be true to yourselves and so not sit in judgment of others for each path is unique and demands a different and unique direction.

This is a time of unusual awakenings and dreams may well be unusual as well. Remember to keep track of them for they are prophetic and can give you hints from that spirit within what is coming your way. These hints are always of a symbolic nature so may be up for some interpretation but when you figure out how many days past the dream you understand the images, you have a lock on all the other dreams you’ve had. The number of days is always the same and the messages are always important if you take the time to figure them out. Everyone is going to experience a greater opening of their crown chakra and new energy will be available to all, how you choose to use it will be very interesting. Those who choose to expand awareness and open to the wisdom’s that have been carried within, the talents and gifts that have been perfected through time will probably enjoy this experience the most. Those who “think” there is nothing new to experience will of course become self-fulfilling prophecies’ for if you don’t believe in magic then you will never experience it. The wisdom and magic are there if you choose to reach for it and make it your own. This energy can become the bridge you have been seeking to the universal energies and wisdom’s that have for so long evaded you. The understanding and insight this new energy brings, opens the windows to more light than you could ever imagine and as it shines upon your belief systems it will show you much that you never realized was there before and it changes everything.

This is a time of new beginnings, for new insights and perspectives. Time is opening up before us and with new vision we can see much further and more deeply than ever before. We find truth within others and embrace it and those who do not have truth within fall from the fore and will have to start all over again, hopefully with greater insight and honor. Projects emerge from all directions, each holding out new wisdom and philosophies … the paradigms are doing radical shifting and for those who are able to keep up, it will be quite a ride. Creative energies flow more easily and what once were just filaments of thought now become solid and manifestational. This is a time of excitement and celebration for greater numbers than ever before see the new directions and are in full support of them. There is new hope that is founded on strength and truth and a leadership not compromised by greed or lust for power.

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